Definition: A GAUS-AG is a typically semester long (bi-)weekly Arbeitsgemeinschaft with talks by typically GAUS-members aiming to learn together current developments along a coordinated programme. Talks serve multiple purposes with introductory talks laying the foundations of a theory and more advanced talks that dig into technical parts of a new result. Sometimes we invite “the” specialist for the topic of the programme to give a final talk.

During the winter term 2024/25, the anabelian GAUS-AG has the title “Mochizuki’s proof of the Hom-Conjecture [d’après Faltings]”.

The AG will meet Thursday afternoon 14:00-18:00 approximately biweekly for 5 – 6 times alternating between Heidelberg and Frankfurt, with two talks per meeting. We start October ?, and the remaining dates can be found in the GAUS-calendar.

Organizers: Magnus Carlson, Ruth Wild and Jakob Stix

For further details see the program.

The AG takes place in a hybrid format jointly organized by 

• Tuesdays, 14:00 – 15:30 during the summer term 2024.
• Start date: April 16, end date: July 16

The program can be found here.
