

Preprint 64/2024

Cedric Luger

A mixed fibration theorem for Hilbert irreducibility on non-proper varieties


Preprint 63/2024

Cedric Luger

Hilbert irreducibility for integral points on punctured linear algebraic groups


Preprint 62/2024

Andrés Jaramillo Puentes, Sabrina Pauli

Quadratically Enriched Tropical Intersections


Preprint 61/2024

Michael Groechenig, Dimitri Wyss, Paul Ziegler

Twisted points of quotient stacks, integration and BPS-invariants


Preprint 60/2024

Morten Lüders

On analogues of the Kato conjectures and proper base change for 1-cycles on rationally connected varieties


Preprint 59/2024

Andrei Bud

The class of the Prym-Brill-Noether divisor


Preprint 58/2024

Thibaud van den Hove

The stack of spherical Langlands parameters


Preprint 57/2024

Katharina Hübner

Logarithmic differentials on discretely ringed adic spaces


Preprint 56/2024

Federico Binda, Tommy Lundemo, Alberto Merici, Doosung Park

Logarithmic TC via the Infinite Root Stack and the Beilinson Fiber Square


Preprint 55/2024

Jens Niklas Eberhardt, Arnaud Eteve

Universal Koszul Duality for Kac-Moody Groups


Preprint 54/2024

Nutsa Gegelia, Duco van Straten

Paramodular forms from Calabi-Yau Operators


Preprint 53/2024

Thomas Driscoll-Spittler

Vertex operator expressions for Lie algebras of physical states


Preprint 52/2024

Maximilian C. E. Hofmann, Martin Ulirsch

An Abel-Jacobi theorem for metrized complexes of Riemann surfaces


Preprint 51/2024

Amine Koubaa

The Cartier operator on differentials of discretely ringed adic spaces and purity in the tame cohomology


Preprint 50/2024

Alberto Merici

Tame motivic cohomology and a conjecture of Hübner–Schmidt


Preprint 49/2024

Mauricio Garay, Duco van Straten

Non degenerate Birkhoff functions


Preprint 48/2024

Georg Oberdieck

Towards refined curve counting on the Enriques surface I: K-theoretic refinements


Preprint 47/2024

Oğuz Gezmiş, Changningphaabi Namoijam

On the transcendence of special values of Goss L-functions attached to Drinfeld modules


Preprint 46/2024

Magnus Carlson, Peter J. Haine, Sebastian Wolf

Reconstruction of schemes from their étale topoi


Preprint 45/2024

Judith Ludwig

Spectral theory and the Eigenvariety machine


Preprint 44/2024

Morten Lüders

p-adic tame Tate twists


Preprint 43/2024

Christian Dahlhausen, Can Yaylali

Towards A¹-homotopy theory of rigid analytic spaces


Preprint 42/2024

Jeffrey Giansiracusa, Felipe Rincón, Victoria Schleis, Martin Ulirsch

Log-concavity for independent sets of valuated matroids


Preprint 41/2024

Emilio Franco, Robert Hanson, Johannes Horn, André Oliveira

Fourier-Mukai transforms and normalization of nodal curves


Preprint 40/2024

Shane Kelly, Shuji Saito, Georg Tamme

On pro-cdh descent on derived schemes

Preprint 39/2024

Kevin Kuehn, Arne Kuhrs

The Signed Goldman-Iwahori Space and Real Tropical Linear Spaces

Preprint 38/2024

Jan Hendrik Bruinier, Riccardo Zuffetti

Lefschetz decompositions of Kudla-Millson theta functions

Preprint 37/2024

Moritz Kerz, Georg Tamme

A remark on crystalline cohomology

Preprint 36/2024

Ben Heuer

G-torsors on perfectoid spaces

Preprint 35/2024

Tom Bachmann

Strongly A1-invariant sheaves (after F. Morel)

Preprint 34/2024

Aravind Asok, Tom Bachmann, Michael J. Hopkins

On P1-stabilization in unstable motivic homotopy theory

Preprint 33/2024

Katharina Hübner, Michael Temkin

Adic curves: stable reduction, skeletons and metric structure

Preprint 32/2024

Yiu Man Wong, Angelina Zheng

Rational cohomology of M4,1

Preprint 31/2024

Jiaming Chen, Alex Küronya, Yusuf Mustopa, Jakob Stix

Convex Fujita numbers: projective bundles

Preprint 30/2024

Katharina Hübner

Adic spaces

Preprint 29/2024

Ilia Gaiur, Vladimir Rubtsov, Duco van Straten

Product formulas for the Higher Bessel functions

Preprint 28/2024

Thibaud van den Hove

The integral motivic Satake equivalence for ramified groups

Preprint 27/2024

Andrei Bud, Richard Haburcak

Maximal Brill-Noether loci via degenerations and double covers

Preprint 26/2024

Andrés Jaramillo Puentes, Sabrina Pauli

A Quadratically Enriched Correspondence Theorem

Preprint 25/2024

Gebhard Böckle, Chun-Yin Hui

v1: Irreducibility of three dimensional automorphic Galois representations over totally real fields

v2: Weak abelian direct summands and irreducibility of Galois representations

Preprint 24/2024

Andreas Hohl, Konstantin Jakob

Stokes phenomenon of Kloosterman and Airy connections

Preprint 23/2024

Jayadev Athreya, Jean Lagacé, Martin Möller, Martin Raum

Spectral decomposition and Siegel-Veech transforms for strata: The case of marked tori

Preprint 22/2024

Duco van Straten

A remarkable elliptic curve

Preprint 21/2024

Jan Hendrik Bruinier, Eugenia Rosu, Shaul Zemel

Modularity of special 0-cycles on toroidal compactifications of Shimura Varieties

Preprint 20/2024

Milan Malcic, Rustam Steingart, Otmar Venjakob, Max Witzelsperger

ε-isomorphisms for rank one (φ,Γ)-modules over Lubin-Tate Robba rings

Preprint 19/2024

Pramod N. Achar, João Lourenço, Timo Richarz, Simon Riche

A modular ramified geometric Satake equivalence

Preprint 18/2024

Morten Lüders

The Gersten conjecture for p-adic étale Tate twists and the p-adic cycle class map

Preprint 17/2024

Robert Cass, Thibaud van den Hove, Jakob Scholbach

Central motives on parahoric flag varieties

Preprint 16/2024

Yassine El Maazouz, Paul Alexander Helminck, Felix Röhrle, Pedro Souza, Claudia He Yun

On the topology of the moduli of tropical unramified p-covers

Preprint 15/2024

Can Yaylali

Rational motives on pro-algebraic stacks

Preprint 14/2024

Christian Dahlhausen

Regularity of semi-valuation rings and homotopy invariance of algebraic K-theory

Preprint 13/2024

Timo Richarz, Jakob Scholbach

Frobenius rigidity in 𝔸1-homotopy theory

Preprint 12/2024

Felix Röhrle, Martin Ulirsch

Logarithmic concavity of bimatroids

Preprint 11/2024

Andrei Bud

Brill-Noether loci and strata of differentials

Preprint 10/2024

Andrei Bud

Irreducibility of a universal Prym-Brill-Noether locus

Preprint 09/2024

Andrei Bud

A Hurwitz divisor on the moduli of Prym curves

Preprint 08/2024

Jan Hendrik Bruinier, Martin Raum

Formal Siegel modular forms for arithmetic subgroups

Preprint 07/2024

Ben Heuer

Moduli spaces in p-adic non-abelian Hodge theory

Preprint 06/2024

Ben Heuer, Daxin Xu

p-adic non-abelian Hodge theory for curves via moduli stacks

Preprint 05/2024

Ben Heuer

The relative Hodge-Tate spectral sequence for rigid analytic spaces

Preprint 04/2024

Ben Heuer

The primitive comparison theorem in characteristic p

Preprint 03/2024

Thibaud Lemanissier, Jérôme Poineau

Espaces de Berkovich globaux : catégorie, topologie, cohomologie


Preprint 02/2024

Cedric Luger

Products of varieties with many integral points

Preprint 01/2024

Paul Ziegler

Filtered fiber functors over a general base


Preprint 63/2023

Markus Land, Akhil Mathew, Lennart Meier, Georg Tamme

Purity in chromatically localized algebraic K-theory

Preprint 62/2023

Andreas Gross, Inder Kaur, Martin Ulirsch, Annette Werner

Semi-homogeneous vector bundles on abelian varieties: moduli spaces and their tropicalization

Preprint 61/2023

Tom Bachmann, Elden Elmanto

Notes on motivic infinite loop space theory

Preprint 60/2023

Patrick Bieker, Timo Richarz

Normality of Schubert varieties in affine Grassmannians

Preprint 59/2023

Paul Ziegler

Normed fibre functors

Preprint 58/2023

Johannes Anschütz, Ben Heuer, Arthur-César Le Bras

The small p-adic Simpson correspondence in terms of moduli spaces

Preprint 57/2023

Thomas Driscoll-Spittler, Nils R. Scheithauer, Janik Wilhelm

Reflective modular varieties and their cusps


Preprint 56/2023

Anna Barbieri, Martin Möller, Jeonghoon So

A smooth compactification of spaces of stability conditions: the case of the An-quiver

Preprint 55/2023

Manuel K.-H. Müller

Modular forms for the Weil representation induced from isotropic subgroups

Preprint 54/2023

Ingmar Metzler, Riccardo Zuffetti

Injectivity of the genus 1 Kudla-Millson lift on locally symmetric spaces

Preprint 53/2023

Alheydis Geiger, Kevin Kühn, Raluca Vlad

Graph curve matroids

Preprint 52/2023

Jérôme Poineau

Cohomologie des espaces de modules de courbes via la géométrie tropicale et les complexes de graphes [d’après M. Chan, S. Galatius et S. Payne]

Preprint 51/2023

Otmar Venjakob

Explicit Reciprocity Laws in Iwasawa Theory — A survey with some focus on the Lubin-Tate setting 

Preprint 50/2023

Rustam Steingart

Comparisons of Lie algebra cohomologies of (φ, Γ)-modules

Preprint 49/2023

Torsten Wedhorn

Extension and lifting of G-bundles on stacks

Preprint 48/2023

Jiaming Chen, Alex Küronya, Yusuf Mustopa, Jakob Stix

Convex Fujita numbers and the Kodaira-Enriques classification of surfaces

Preprint 47/2023

Matti Würthen, Heer Zhao

Log prismatic Diedonné theory for log p-divisible groups over OK

Preprint 46/2023

Johannes Horn, Johannes Schwab

Visible Lagrangians for Hitchin systems and pillowcase covers

Preprint 45/2023

Piotr Achinger, Jakob Stix

Topological rigidity of maps in positive characteristic and anabelian geometry

Preprint 44/2023

Tom Bachmann

A C2-equivariant Gabber presentation lemma

Preprint 43/2023

Milan Malčić

Trace maps on rigid Stein spaces

Preprint 42/2023

Paulina Fust, Judith Ludwig, Alice Pozzi, Mafalda Santos, Hanneke, Wiersema

Real quadratic singular moduli and p-adic families of modular forms

Preprint 41/2023

Stefania Trentin

On the Rapoport-Zink space for GU(2,4) over a ramified prime

Preprint 40/2023

Yen-Tsung Chen, Oğuz Gezmiş

Nearly holomorphic Drinfeld modular forms and their special values at CM points

Preprint 39/2023

Ben Heuer, Annette Werner, Mingjia Zhang

p-adic Simpson correspondences for principal bundles in abelian setttings

Preprint 38/2023

Bhargav Bhatt, Manuel Blickle, Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag K. Singh, Wenliang Zhang

Applications of perverse sheaves in commutative algebra

Preprint 37/2023

Paul Kiefer, Riccardo Zuffetti

The Kudla-Millson lift of Siegel cusp forms

Preprint 36/2023

Jan Hendrik Bruinier, Benjamin Howard

Arithmetic volumes of unitary Shimura varieties

Preprint 35/2023

Andreas Gross, Trevor Gunn

Factoring multivalued polynomials over hyperfields and the multivariable Descartes’ problem

Preprint 34/2023

Gabriele Bogo, Yingkun Li, Markus Schwagenscheidt

Laurent expansions of meromorphic modular forms

Preprint 33/2023

Luca Battistella, Sebastian Bozlee

Hyperelliptic Gorenstein curves and logarithmic differentials

Preprint 32/2023

Bhargav Bhatt, Manuel Blickle, Gennady Lyubeznik, Anurag K. Singh, Wenliang Zhang

Frobenius on the cohomology of thickenings

Preprint 31/2023

Ben Heuer

A p-adic Simpson correspondence for smooth proper rigid varieties

Preprint 30/2023

Anton Güthge

Perfect-prismatic F-crystals and p-adic shtukas in families

Preprint 29/2023

Can Yaylali

Motivic homotopy theory of the classifying stack of finite groups of Lie type

Preprint 28/2023

Yoav Len, Martin Ulirsch, Dmitry Zakharov

Abelian tropical covers

Preprint 27/2023

Mark van Hoeij, Duco van Straten, Wadim Zudilin

A hyperelliptic saga on a generating function of the squares of Legendre polynomials

Preprint 26/2023

Tamir Hemo, Timo Richarz, Jakob Scholbach

Constructible sheaves on schemes

Preprint 25/2023

L. Alexander Betts, Theresa Kumpitsch, Martin Lüdtke

Chabauty-Kim and the section conjecture for locally geometric sections

Preprint 24/2023

Marco Maculan, Jérôme Poineau

Affine vs. Stein in rigid geometry

Preprint 23/2023

Matti Würthen

Divided prismatic Frobenius crystals of small height and the category MF

Preprint 22/2023

Martin Möller, Scott Mullane

Teichmüller curves in hyperelliptic components of meromorphic strata

Preprint 21/2023

Johannes J. Buck

Automorphic Green functions on Hilbert modular surfaces

Preprint 20/2023

Markus Land, Georg Tamme

On the K-theory of pushouts

Preprint 19/2023

Luca Battistella, Kevin Kühn, Martin Ulirsch, Alejandro Vargas

Buildings, valuated matroids, and tropical linear spaces

Preprint 18/2023

Can Yaylali

T-equivariant motives of flag varieties

Preprint 17/2023

Peter J. Haine, Tim Holzschuh, Sebastian Wolf

Nonabelian basechange theorems & étale homotopy theory

Preprint 16/2023

Johannes J. Buck

Elliptic Eisenstein series associated to ideals in real quadratic number fields

Preprint 15/2023

Matteo Costantini, Martin Möller and Johannes Schwab

Chern classes of linear submanifolds with application to spaces of k-differentials and ball quotients

Preprint 14/2023

Marcin Lara, Vasudevan Srinivas and Jakob Stix

Fundamental groups of proper varieties are finitely presented

Preprint 13/2023

Valerie Berthé, Karma Dajani, Charlene Kalle, Ela Krawczyk, Hamide Kuru, Andrea Thevis

Rational approximations, multidimensional continued fractions and lattice reduction

Preprint 12/2023

Barbara Bolognese, Alex Küronya, Martin Ulirsch

P = W phenomena on abelian varieties

Preprint 11/2023

Claudia Alfes-Neumann, Jens Funke, Michael Mertens, Eugenia Rosu

On Jacobi-Weierstrass mock modular forms

Preprint 10/2023

Johannes Anschütz, Ben Heuer, Arthur-César Le Bras

Hodge-Tate stacks and non-abelian p-adic Hodge theory of v-perfect complexes on rigid spaces

Preprint 09/2023

Johannes Buck

Dirichlet series associated to representation numbers of ideals in real quadratic number fields

Preprint 08/2023

Moritz Kerz, Shuji Saito, Georg Tamme

K-theory of non-archimedean rings II

Preprint 07/2023

Peter Schneider, Otmar Venjakob

Comparing categories of Lubin-Tate (φL, ΓL)-modules

Preprint 06/2023

Peter Schneider, Otmar Venjakob

Reciprocity laws for (φL, ΓL)-modules over Lubin-Tate extensions

Preprint 05/2023

Marius Leonhardt, Martin Lüdtke, J. Steffen Müller

Linear and quadratic Chabauty for affine hyperbolic curves

Preprint 04/2023

Konstantin Jakob, Zhiwei Yun

A Deligne-Simpson problem for irregular G-connections over P1

Preprint 03/2023

Jiaming Chen, Alex Küronya, Yusuf Mustopa, Jakob Stix

Convex Fujita numbers and the fundamental group

Preprint 02/2023

Jérôme Poineau

Dynamique analytique sur Z. II: Ecart uniforme entre Lattes et conjecture de Bogomolov-Fu-Tschinkel


Preprint 01/2023

Ananyo Dan, Inder Kaur

Determinant morphism for singular varieties



Preprint 50/2022

Johannes Anschütz, Ben Heuer, Arthur-César Le Bras

v-vector bundles on p-adic fields and Sen theory via the Hodge-Tate stack


Preprint 49/2022

Andreas Hohl, Konstantin Jakob

Stokes matrices for Airy equations


Preprint 48/2022

Lucie Devey

A combinatorial description of stability for toric vector bundles


Preprint 47/2022

Pramod N. Achar, João Lourenço, Timo Richarz, Simon Riche

Fixed points under pinning-preserving automorphisms of reductive group schemes


Preprint 46/2022

Kieu Hieu Nguyen, Eva Viehmann

Harder-Narasimhan stratiffication of the Bdr+-Grassmannian


Preprint 45/2022

Anna Barbieri, Martin Möller, Yu Qiu, Jeonghoon So

Quadratic differentials as stability conditions: collapsing subsurfaces


Preprint 44/2022

Dawei Chen, Samuel Grushevsky, David Holmes, Martin Möller, Johannes Schmitt

A tale of two moduli spaces: logarithmic and multi-scale differentials


Preprint 43/2022

Ben Heuer

A geometric p-adic Simpson correspondence in rank one


Preprint 42/2022

Rustam Steingart

Iwasawa cohomology of analytic (φL, ΓL)-modules


Preprint 41/2022

Cedric Luger

The Hilbert property for arithmetic schemes


Preprint 40/2022

Yiu Man Wong

An algorithm to compute fundamental classes of spin components of strata of differentials


Preprint 39/2022

Christian Dahlhausen

K-Theory of admissible Zariski-Riemann spaces


Preprint 38/2022

Robert Cass, Thibaud van den Hove, Jakob Scholbach

The geometric Satake equivalence for integral motives


Preprint 37/2022

Marius Leonhardt

Plectic Galois action on CM points and connected components of Hilbert modular varieties


Preprint 36/2022

Stephan Ehlen, Yingkun Li, Markus Schwagenscheidt

Harmonic Maass forms associated with CM newforms


Preprint 35/2022

Thomas J. Haines, João Lourenço, Timo Richarz

On the normality of Schubert varieties: remaining cases in positive characteristic


Preprint 34/2022

Felix Röhrle, Dmitry Zakharov

The tropical n-gonal construction


Preprint 33/2022

Rustam Steingart

Finiteness of analytic cohomology of Lubin-Tate (φL, ΓL)-modules


Preprint 32/2022

Lucie Devey

Newton-Okounkov bodies of curve classes


Preprint 31/2022

Claudia Alfes-Neumann, Jan Hendrik Bruinier, Markus Schwagenscheidt

Harmonic weak Maass forms and periods II


Preprint 30/2022

Klaus Altmann, Christian Haase, Alex Küronya, Karin Schaller, Lena Walter

v1: NObodies are perfect, their semigroups are not

v2: On the finite generation of valuation semigroups of toric surfaces


Preprint 29/2022

Peter J. Haine, Tim Holzschuh, Sebastian Wolf

The fundamental fiber sequence in étale homotopy theory


Preprint 28/2022

Najmuddin Fakhruddin, Thomas Haines, João Lourenço, Timo Richarz

Singularities of local models


Preprint 27/2022

Matti Würthen, Heer Zhao

Log p-divisible groups associated to log 1-motives


Preprint 26/2022

Riccardo Zuffetti

Cones of orthogonal Shimura subvarieties and equidistribution


Preprint 25/2022

Patrick Bieker

Integral models of moduli spaces of shtukas  with deep Bruhat-Tits level structures


Preprint 24/2022

Manuel K.-H. Müller, Nils R. Scheithauer

The invariants of the Weil representation of SL_2(Z)


Preprint 23/2022

Can Yaylali

Derived F-Zips


Preprint 22/2022

Marcin Lara

Fundamental exact sequence for the pro-étale fundamental group


Preprint 21/2022

Can Yaylali

Notes on derived algebraic geometry


Preprint 20/2022

Kris Shaw, Annette Werner

On the birational geometry of matroids


Preprint 19/2022

Gabriele Bogo, Yingkun Li

Span of restriction of Hilbert theta functions


Preprint 18/2022

Gabriele Bogo, Younes Nikdelan

Ramanujan systems of Rankin-Cohen type and hyperbolic triangles


Preprint 17/2022

L. Alexander Betts, David Corwin, Marius Leonhardt

Towards Uniform Chabauty–Kim


Preprint 16/2022

Andreas Gross, Martin Ulirsch, Dmitry Zakharov

Principal bundles on metric graphs: the GLn case


Preprint 15/2022

Gebhard Böckle, Ashwin Iyengar, Vytautas Paškūnas

Zariski density of crystalline points


Preprint 14/2022

Riccardo Zuffetti

Unfolding and injectivity of the Kudla-Millson Lift of genus 1


Preprint 13/2022

Patrick Bieker

Compactification of level maps of moduli spaces of Drinfeld shtukas


Preprint 12/2022

Gebhard Böckle, Tony Feng, Michael Harris, Chandrashekhar Khare, Jack A. Thorne

Cyclic base change of cuspidal automorphic representations over function fields


Preprint 11/2022

Ananyo Dan, Inder Kaur

Hodge conjecture for the moduli space of semi-stable sheaves over a nodal curve


Preprint 10/2022

Christian Johansson, Judith Ludwig

Endoscopy on SL2-eigenvarieties


Preprint 09/2022

L. Alexander Betts, Jakob Stix

Galois sections and p-adic period mappings


Preprint 08/2022

Jan H. Bruinier, Yingkun Li, Tonghai Yang

Deformations of theta integrals and a conjecture of Gross-Zagier


Preprint 07/2022

Dawei Chen, Matteo Costantini, Martin Möller

On the Kodaira dimension of moduli spaces of Abelian differentials


Preprint 06/2022

Thibaud van den Hove

Quasi-isogeny groups of supersingular abelian surfaces via pro-étale fundamental groups


Preprint 05/2022

Alex Künronya, Yusuff Mustopa

Effective global generation of on varieties with numerically trivial canonical class


Preprint 04/2022

Riccardo Zuffetti

Cones of special cycles of codimension 2 on orthogonal Shimura varieties


Preprint 03/2022

Jérôme Poineau

Dynamique analytique sur Z. I: Mesures d’équilibre sur une droite projective relative


Preprint 02/2022

Johannes Horn, Martin Möller

Compactifying the rank two Hitchin system via spectral data on semistable curves


Preprint 01/2022

Johannes Anschütz, Ian Gleason, João Lourenço, Timo Richarz

On the p-adic theory of local models



Preprint 21/2021

Tommaso Centeleghe, Jakob Stix

Categories of abelian varieties over finite fields II: Abelian varieties over Fq and Morita equivalence


Preprint 20/2021

Gabriele Bogo

Modular forms, deformation of punctured spheres, and extensions of symmetric tensor representations


Preprint 19/2021

Gabriele Bogo

Accessory parameters for four-punctured spheres


Preprint 18/2021

Tamir Hemo, Timo Richarz, Jakob Scholbach

Constructible sheaves on schemes and a categorical Künneth formula


Preprint 17/2021

Sven Möller, Nils R. Scheithauer

A geometric classification of the holomorphic vertex operator algebras of central charge 24


Preprint 16/2021

Alexander Schmidt

Homotopy invariance of tame homotopy groups of regular schemes


Preprint 15/2021

Paul Kiefer

Orthogonal Eisenstein Series at Harmonic Points and Modular Forms of Singular Weight


Preprint 14/2021

Kieu Hieu Nguyen, Eva Viehmann A Harder-Narasimhan stratification of the BdR+-Grassmannian.

Preprint 13/2021

Gebhard Böckle, Ashwin Iyengar, Vytautas Paškūnas

On local Galois deformation rings


Preprint 12/2021

Paul Kiefer

Orthogonal Eisenstein Series and Theta Lifts


Preprint 11/2021

Bertrand Rémy, Amaury Thuillier, Annette Werner

An intrinsic characterization of Bruhat-Tits buildings inside analytic groups


Preprint 10/2021

Felix Röhrle and Johannes Schwab

Realizability of tropical pluri-canonical divisors


Preprint 09/2021

Gebhard Böckle, Chandrashekhar B. Khare, Jeffrey Manning

Wiles defect of Hecke algebras via local-global argument


Preprint 08/2021

Patrick Bieker

Invariants for the Weil representation and modular units for orthogonal groups of signature (2,2)


Preprint 07/2021

Margarida Melo, Samouil Molcho, Martin Ulirsch, Filippo Viviani

Tropicalization of the universal Jacobian

arXiv: 2108.04711

Preprint 06/2021

Ben Heuer, Lucas Mann, Annette Werner

The p-adic Corlette–Simpson correspondence for abeloids

arXiv: 2107.09403

Preprint 05/2021

Alex Küronya, Pedro Souza, Martin Ulirsch

Tropicalization of toric prevarieties

arXiv: 2107.03139

Preprint 04/2021

Gebhard Böckle, Sara Arias-de-Reyna

Deformation rings and images of Galois representations

arXiv: 2107.03114

Preprint 03/2021

Yingkun Li

Algebraicity of higher Green functions at a CM point

arXiv: 2106.13653

Preprint 02/2021

Alex J. Best, L. Alexander Betts, Theresa Kumpitsch, Martin Lüdtke, Angus W. McAndrew, Lie Qian, Elie Studnia, Yujie Xu

Refined Selmer equations for the thrice-punctured line in depth two

arXiv: 2106.10145

Preprint 01/2021

Hélène Esnault, Vasudevan Srinivas and Jakob Stix

An obstruction to lifting to characteristic 0

arXiv: 2106.08381