Lecture series and student seminars October 24 – March 25
Time: Mondays 16-18 and Wednesdays 10-12
Location: Hörsaal Robert-Mayer-Str. 6-8, Seminarraum/Gr., Raum 308
Further information: Algebraische Geometrie 1
Location: Heidelberg, Mathematikon, Room TBA
Further information: https://www.judith-ludwig.com/teaching
Time: Mondays 15:20 – 17:00
Location: Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 7, Room S 215 315
Online coordinates: –
Location: Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 6-8, Room 110
Time: Tuesdays, 14:00-15:30 (MET)
Location: Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 7, Room S 215 401
Online coordinates: Zoom (612 2072 7363, Password: largest six digit prime number)
Some of the lectures are in German. Please contact the lecturer if in doubt.
Past Lecture Series and Seminars:
Stix: Kommutative Algebra
Ludwig: Representation theory of p-adic groups
Richarz: Algebraic number theory
Ulirsch: Tropische Geometrie: Die wunderbare Geometrie der Matroide
Hübner: Algebraische Zahlentheorie
Möller, Horn: Lie-Gruppen und algebraische Gruppen
Richarz: Intersection Theory
Schmidt: Étale Kohomology I
Ulirsch: Komplexe Geometrie II
Küronya: Algebraische Geometrie 2
Möller: Modulformen
Möller: Gitter und Kugelpackungen
Ulirsch: Komplexe Geometrie 1
Brunier: Automorphic Forms
Battistella: Algebraische Geometrie I
Kreck: Topologie II: Klassifikation von 4-Mannigfaltigkeiten
Ravi Ramakrishna (Cornell University): On a Theorem of Ozaki
Stix: Algebraische Zahlentheorie III
Gross: Tropical Geometry
Tamme: Algebraic Geometry I
Li, Richarz: Algebraic Geometry II
Rahn: Algebraic Topology
Schmidt: Algebraic Number Theory I
Stix: Algebraic Number Theory II
Ulirsch: Complex Geometry II: Toric varieties
Tamme: Higher Algebraic K-theory
Viemann: Seminar on Linear Algebraic Groups
Böckle: Étale Cohomology
Hübner: Tame Cohomology