Definition: A GAUS-AG is a typically semester long (bi-)weekly Arbeitsgemeinschaft with talks by typically GAUS-members aiming to learn together current developments along a coordinated programme. Talks serve multiple purposes with introductory talks laying the foundations of a theory and more advanced talks that dig into technical parts of a new result. Sometimes we invite “the” specialist for the topic of the programme to give a final talk.

During the winter term 2024/25, the anabelian GAUS-AG has the title “Mochizuki’s proof of the Hom-Conjecture [d’après Faltings]”.

The AG will meet Thursday afternoon 14:00-18:00 approximately biweekly for 5 – 6 times alternating between Heidelberg and Frankfurt, with two talks per meeting. We start October 31, and the remaining dates can be found in the GAUS-calendar/the programme.

Organizers: Magnus Carlson, Ruth Wild, Jakob Stix and Alexander Schmidt

For further details see the programme.

The goal is to study the geometry of the moduli stack of vector bundles on smooth, proper algebraic curves following course notes of Michael Rapoport. Prerequisite is a basic knowledge in algebraic geometry as covered by a two semester course on schemes and cohomology. 

The AG takes place in a hybrid format. 

• Tuesdays, 14:00 – 15:30 starting October 15 and ending February 11, 2024
• Room S215 401 at TU Darmstadt, mathematics department
• Zoom meeting ID: 612 2072 7363, Password: Largest six digit prime number

The program can be found here or

Organizers: Torsten Wedhorn and Timo Richarz

We meet every Thursday at 11 p.m. (s.t.) in SR 8 (Mathematikon) in Heidelberg.

The program can be found here.

Organizers: Marlon Kocher and Marvin Schneider

The AG will meet Thursday afternoon 14:00-16:30 in Frankfurt, with two 60 minute talks per meeting. We start November 07, and the remaining dates can be found in the GAUS-calendar/the programme.

Organizers: Andrei Bud, Johannes Horn, Martin Möller, Karin Schaller and Martin Ulirsch

For further details see the programme.

Our goal is to study the basics from Voisin’s book and later understand the construction and applications of mixed Hodge structures on the cohomology of complex algebraic varieties.

The AG is taking place every Wednesday from 12:00 to 13:30 in Mainz, starting on October 30, 2024.

Organizer: Georg Tamme, Tom Bachmann, Manuel Blickle, Manfred Lehn and Duco van Straten

We are going to study the paper of Iyengar-Khare-Manning on the subject:

The seminar will take place on Fridays, 9-11, in room SR8 in Heidelberg.

The programme can be found here.

Organizers: Alireza Shavali, Andrea Conti