Early Number Theory Researchers
DarmstadtThis workshop is meant as an opportunity for community building and fostering collaborations between early career researchers in the field of number theory. Participants are strongly encouraged to give a … Continue reading Early Number Theory Researchers
On a Conjecture of Colliot-Thélène
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR A and LivestreamFlorian Pop (University of Pensylvania)
“Classifying” fake projective planes
ZoomMatthew Stover (Temple University)
International Seminar on Automorphic Forms: The invariants of the Weil representation of SL_2(Z)
ZoomManuel Müller (TU Darmstadt)
Motivation for q-deformation
Mainz, Hilbertraum (05-432)Wadim Zudilin (Nijmegen)
Non-hypergeometric E-functions
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Raum 711 groß15:15-16:15: Gabriele Bogo (TU Darmstadt): E-functions and G-functions
16:45-17:45: Christina Röhrig (TU Darmstadt): G-functions and geometry
Non-abelian Chabauty for the thrice-punctured line and the Selmer section conjecture
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR A and LivestreamMartin Lüdtke (Reichsuniversität Groningen)
Canonical integral models for Shimura varieties defined by tori
Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, Darmstadt, GermanyPatrick Daniels (University of Michigan)
K-theory of the integers and the Kummer-Vandiver conjecture
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 und Zoom , GermanyMarlon Kocher (University Heidelberg): The Solomon-Tits theorem
Geometry and the universal family in the tame case
ZoomTimo Richarz (University Darmstadt): Geometry and the universal family in the tame case