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F-modules for rings with FFRT, and applications to local cohomology

June 20, 2024 at 14:1515:15 CEST

Eamon Quinlan-Gallego (Utah)

Abstract: For a regular ring R of positive characteristic, an F-module over R is an R-module equipped with an “action of Frobenius”. The theory of these F-modules has been used successfully in establishing finiteness properties of local cohomology, and in this talk I will present an extension to the case where R is allowed to have mild singularities (known as finite F-representation type, or FFRT for short). I will then illustrate how this theory can be used to extend previous results on local cohomology to the FFRT case.


June 20, 2024
14:15 – 15:15 CEST


Mainz, Hilbertraum (05-432)