ZoomLiyang Yang (Princeton University): tba
Hodge Theory
Mainz, Hilbertraum (05-432)Georg Tamme (Universität Mainz): Mixed Hodge structures on smooth varieties III
Anabelian geometry – Mochizuki’s proof of the Hom-Conjecture [d’après Faltings]
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 6-8, Raum 309Talk 8: Amine Koubaa (Goethe Universität): Preparations for Proposition 11: the Tate conjecture
Talk 9: Magnus Carlson (Goethe Universität): Sections geometric up to torsion
Congruence Modules and the Wiles–Lenstra–Diamond Numerical Criterion in Higher Codimension
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyAlireza Shavali (Universität Heidelberg): Hecke eigensystems and Galois representations for quaternion algebras
Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry
Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, Darmstadt, GermanyPaul Siemon (TU Darmstadt): Stacks of parabolic vector bundles and Katz's middle convolution algorithm
Vector bundles on curves
Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, Darmstadt, GermanyJon Miles: tba
ZoomAmeya Pitale (University of Oklahoma): tba
Hodge Theory
Mainz, Hilbertraum (05-432)Tom Bachmann (Universität Mainz): Mixed Hodge structures on singular varieties
Anabelian geometry – Mochizuki’s proof of the Hom-Conjecture [d’après Faltings]
HeidelbergTalk 10: Tim Holzschuh (Universität Heidelberg): Proof of the Hom conjecture
Mainz, Hilbertraum (05-432)Arthur-César Le Bras (Strasbourg)
Congruence Modules and the Wiles–Lenstra–Diamond Numerical Criterion in Higher Codimension
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 INF 205, Heidelberg, Germanytba: Modularity
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Raum 711 großTGiF-Seminar: Tropical geometry in Frankfurt (Second meeting Winter Semester 2024/25)
George Balla (TU Berlin)