ZoomSachi Hashimoto (MPI Leipzig)
Darmstadt and Mainz and ZoomAndreas Gieringer: Animated rings https://tu-darmstadt.zoom.us/j/62421505417?pwd=NDhEdUJPb0RaUTNzQyt4R0U1N2lzUT09 Meeting-ID: 624 2150 5417 Kenncode: 100002
Arithmetic theta series from CM cycles
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 6-8, Raum 308Seminar: Non-archimedean geometry
Lucas Gerth (Universität Frankfurt)
On quasimodular forms associated to projective representations of symmetric groups
ZoomJan-Willem van Ittersum (MPIM Bonn)
Six functor formalism and Poincaré duality
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 und Zoom , GermanyTalk 1: Marius Leonhardt (Universität Heidelberg): Introduction
Bridgeland stability conditions and applications
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Raum 711 großTalk 1: J. Chen (Goethe University Frankfurt): Introduction
Talk 2: Y. M. Wong (Goethe University Frankfurt): Triangulated categories
Darmstadt and Mainz and ZoomGeorg Tamme (Uni Mainz): Filtrations and endomorphisms via stacks
The geometry of coherent sheaves: From derived categories to Higgs bundles
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Raum 711 großGAUS-Workshop: "Recent developments in GIT"
14:00-15:00: Victoria Hoskins (Nijmegen, speaking remotely): An introduction to geometric invariant theory
15:20-16:20: Joshua Jackson (Sheffield): Advances in Non-reductive GIT and applications
16:40-17:40: Dario Weissmann (Essen): A stacky approach to identify the semi-stable locus of vector bundles
Vectorial Drinfeld modular forms over Tate algebras
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyLuisa Pauline Boneberger: Background on Drinfeld modules
Comparison of tame and log-étale cohomology
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 6-8, Raum 308Cancelled: postponed by one week
Seminar: Non-archimedean geometry
Amine Koubaa (Universität Frankfurt)
Almost holomorphic Drinfeld modular forms
ZoomOguz Gezmis (Heidelberg University)
Six functor formalism and Poincaré duality
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 und Zoom , GermanyTalk 2: Christian Merten (Universität Heidelberg): Direct image with compact support