Counting and equidistribution
ZoomYiannis Petridis (UCL): Counting and equidistribution
Cones of Noether–Lefschetz divisors
Heidelberg, MATHEMATIKON, SR 10 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyDr. Brandon Williams, Universität Heidelberg
The tropical 1-fold Abel-Prym map
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Raum 711 großTGiF-Seminar: Tropical geometry in Frankfurt (First meeting Winter Semester 2024/25)
Giusi Capobianco (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry
Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, Darmstadt, GermanyJens Eberhardt (Gutenberg Universität Mainz): K-motives and Local Langlands
Tree spaces in tropical geometry
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Raum 711 großTGiF-Seminar: Tropical geometry in Frankfurt (First meeting Winter Semester 2024/25)
Shelby Cox (MPI Leipzig)
Kudla-Millson lift on the symmetric space of SL_N
ZoomRomain Branchereau (McGill University): Kudla-Millson lift on the symmetric space of SL_N
Cycles on the moduli space of abelian varieties
Heidelberg, MATHEMATIKON, SR10 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyProf. Dr. Rahul Pandharipande, Department of Mathematics, ETH Zürich
Abstract six-functor formalisms in Motivic Homotopy Theory
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR A and LivestreamChirantan Chowdhury (TU Darmstadt)
Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry
Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, Darmstadt, GermanyMaximilian Hauck (MPIM Bonn): Stacks in the p-adic Hodge theory of formal schemes
Uniform Non-vanishing of Hilbert Modular L-values
ZoomLiyang Yang (Princeton University): Uniform Non-vanishing of Hilbert Modular L-values
Multivariable Lubin–Tate Fontaine equivalence
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR A and LivestreamNataniel Marquis (IMJ Paris)
Tropical correspondence theorems for plane curve counts over arbitrary fields
Heidelberg, MATHEMATIKON, SR10 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyJr.-Prof. Dr. Sabrina Pauli (TU Darmstadt)