Conference on Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry
DarmstadtThis is a larger international conference covering Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry in the broad sense. See here for details.
Towards local uniformization of non-archimedean surfaces
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR A and LivestreamProf. Dr. Michael Temkin (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Outer automorphisms of the absolute Galois group of local fields of mixed characteristic
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Raum 711 großTheresa Kumpitsch (Universität Frankfurt)
Introduction and Overview
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 und Zoom , GermanyGAUS-AG "K-theory of the integers and the Kummer-Vandiver conjecture"
Moduli of Langlands parameters: Moduli of Langlands parameters
ZoomRecall the definition of the Weil group of a non-archimedean local field. Give some recollections about reductive groups, in order to define the L-group and L-homomorphisms. Give the different possible definitions of L-parameters. Explain why these agree for ℓ-adic coefficients, using Grothendieck’s ℓ-adic monodromy theorem, and why they differ for more general coefficients Zoom: Meeting-ID: … Continue reading Moduli of Langlands parameters: Moduli of Langlands parameters
Characterizing every finitely generated field by a field axiom
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 10, Raum 711 großFlorian Pop (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)
Semi-modules and crystal bases via affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties
Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, Darmstadt, GermanyRyosuke Shimada
Liquid Tensor Experiment
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR A and LivestreamDr. Johan Commelin (Universität Freiburg)
Moduli of Langlands parameters: The space of tame parameters
ZoomSriram Chinthalagiri Venkata
Early Number Theory Researchers
DarmstadtThis workshop is meant as an opportunity for community building and fostering collaborations between early career researchers in the field of number theory. Participants are strongly encouraged to give a talk. You can find more information and apply for the workshop, see webpage.