The P=W Conjecture (Session 1)
ZoomTalk 1: What is the P=W Conjecture about? (Martin Möller)
Talk 2: The Betti moduli space (Felix Göbler)
The P=W Conjecture (Session 2)
ZoomTalk 3: Hodge structures and mixed Hodge structures (Paul Kiefer)
Talk 4: The mixed Hodge structure of the Betti moduli space (Matti Würthen)
The P=W Conjecture (Session 3)
ZoomTalk 5: The de Rham moduli space and Riemann-Hilbert correspondence (Felix Röhrle)
Talk 6: The Dolbeault moduli space and the abelian Hodge correspondence (Johannes Schwab)
The P=W Conjecture (Session 4)
ZoomTalk 7: The Hitchin map and spectral data (Riccardo Zuffetti)
Talk 8: Non-Abelian Hodge Correspondence (Jakob Stix)
The P=W Conjecture (Session 5)
ZoomTalk 9: The constructible derived category and intersection complexes (Anton Güthge)
Talk 10: Perverse sheaves and the topology of algebraic maps (Can Yaylali)
International Seminar on Automorphic Forms
ZoomLennart Gehrmann (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Rigid meromorphic cocycles for orthogonal groups