Comparison with Čech cohomology, adic version (Part 2)
Heidelberg, MATHEMATIKON, SR 4 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyChristian Dahlhausen
Graph potentials, TQFTs and mirror partners
Frankfurt and ZoomPieter Belmans (Université du Luxembourg)
A Main Conjecture in non-commutative Iwasawa theory
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR A and LivestreamAntonio Mejias Gil (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Suslin homology
Heidelberg, MATHEMATIKON, SR 4 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyKatharina Hübner
Dissipation of Correlations of Automorphic Forms
Frankfurt and ZoomPetru Constantinescu (MPIM Bonn)
Hodge theory of matroids (Session 7)
Frankfurt and ZoomThis semester’s topic in our joint research seminar is Hodge theory of matroids. The meetings take place on Zoom on a bi-weekly basis during lecture time, Thursdays 15-18.
Last meeting: Discussion of topics for the next seminar
Patchworks of real algebraic varieties in higher codimension
Frankfurt and ZoomTGiZ-Seminar: Tropical geometry in Zoom (Second meeting)
Johannes Rau (Universidad de los Andes)
Cut-and-paste invariants of moduli spaces of relative stable maps to P^1
Frankfurt and ZoomTGiZ-Seminar: Tropical geometry in Zoom (Second meeting)
Siddarth Kannan (Brown University)
The S_n action on the homology groups of M_{0,n}-bar
Frankfurt and ZoomTGiZ-Seminar: Tropical geometry in Zoom (Second meeting)
Rohini Ramadas (University of Warwick)
Vertex gluings and Demazure products
Frankfurt and ZoomNathan Pflueger (Amherst College)
Cones of special cycles and unfolding of the Kudla-Millson lift
Frankfurt and ZoomRiccardo Zuffetti (Universität Frankfurt)
Model categories I
Darmstadt and ZoomRizacan Ciloǧlu (TU Darmstadt)