12 events found.
Animated Rings III
Darmstadt and ZoomYifei Zhao
Infinity Descent
Darmstadt and ZoomChristian Dalhausen
Women in Arithmetic Geometry
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR A and LivestreamThis is a biannual conference to which we invite both promising young mathematicians together with outstanding senior female colleagues.
Early Number Theory Researchers
DarmstadtThis workshop is meant as an opportunity for community building and fostering collaborations between early career researchers in the field of number theory. Participants are strongly encouraged to give a talk. You can find more information and apply for the workshop, see webpage.
Newton-Okounkov Bodies & Tropical Geometry
Frankfurt and ZoomWorkshop on Newton-Okounkov bodies and Tropical Geometry, Nov. 14 - 18
Logarithmic geometry and moduli spaces
Frankfurt am MainCondensed Mathematics and K-Theory
Mainz, Hilbertraum 05-432Invited speakers include: Grigory Andreychev, Ko Aoki, Adriano Cordona Fedeli, Alexander Efimov, Catrin Mair
Spring School on: Non-archimedean Geometry and eigenvarieties
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR tbaModuli of Shtukas and Gross-Zagier formulas
Darmstadt and ZoomModuli of Shtukas and Gross-Zagier formulas