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Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry

December 13, 2024 at 15:3017:00 CET

Thomas Nikolaus (Universität Münster): (Relative) Prismatic cohomology, K-Theory and Topology
We will explain the theory of relative prismatic cohomology (relative to a delta ring) and how this is an essential tool in computations of prismatic cohomology. If time allows we will exlain how this connects to K-Theory and other Homotopy-theoretically defined invariants (such as TP and TR) and to the relative de Rham Witt complex.

Zoom (635 7328 0984, Kenncode: kleinste sechsstellige Primzahl


Sabrina Pauli
Timo Richarz
Torsten Wedhorn


Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom
Schlossgartenstraße 7
Darmstadt, 64289 Germany
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