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Local Weight-Monodromy Conjecture
February 17, 2023 at 15:30 – 17:00 CET
Bogdan Zavyalov (Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton)
Abstract: Let X be a smooth and proper variety over a local field K. Then the etale cohomology groups H^i(X_C, Q_ell) admit the natural weight and monodromy filtrations. The weight-monodromy conjecture predicts that these two filtrations coincide up to a shift.
Recently, P. Scholze proved this conjecture for set-theoretic complete intersections
inside the projective space using the theory of perfectoid spaces.
Alternatively, one can formulate a (local) version of the weight-monodromy
conjecture for the nearby cycles. We will give a precise formulation of this
conjecture and prove it in some cases following the strategy of Scholze in the global case.
Joint work with David Hansen.
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