Calendar of Events
M Mon
T Tue
W Wed
T Thu
F Fri
S Sat
S Sun
0 events,
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3 events,
Purity for the flat cohomology
Purity for the flat cohomology
Talk 1: Amine Koubaa, Katharina Hübner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Proof sketch and an introduction to perfectoids
Arithmetic of critical p-adic L-functions
Arithmetic of critical p-adic L-functions
Talk 3: Alireza Shavali: Analytic construction of p-adic L-functions on the eigencurve
Anabelian geometry
Anabelian geometry
14:00 - 15:15 Talk 0: Magnus Carlson (Goethe Universität): Introduction, the Fontaine–Mazur conjecture
15:45 - 17:00 Talk 1: Ruth Wild (Goethe Universität): Galois representations coming from geometry and geometric Galois representations
4 events,
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Sriram C. Venkata (Universität Heidelberg): Talk 2: Stacks
Nobodies are perfect, semigroups are not.
Nobodies are perfect, semigroups are not.
TGiF-Seminar: Tropical geometry in Frankfurt (First meeting Summer Semester 2024)
Karin Schaller (FU Berlin)
Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry
Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry
Tariq Syed (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) Motivic cohomology of cyclic coverings
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0 events,
0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Oğuz Gezmiş (Universität Heidelberg): Talk 3: Moduli of shtukas I
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0 events,
0 events,
2 events,
Gan-Gross-Prasad cycles and derivatives of p-adic L-functions
Gan-Gross-Prasad cycles and derivatives of p-adic L-functions
Daniel Disegni (Aix-Marseille University)
0 events,
2 events,
Purity for the flat cohomology
Purity for the flat cohomology
Cancelled: postponed to May 23
Talk 2: Katharina Hübner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Tilting and the arc topology
Arithmetic of critical p-adic L-functions
Arithmetic of critical p-adic L-functions
Talk 4: Marlon Kocher: Large exponential maps à la Perrin-Riou
3 events,
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Paola Francesca Chilla (Universität Heidelberg): Talk 4: Moduli of shtukas II
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0 events,
0 events,
1 event,
Algebraic geometry of the classical Yang-Baxter equation
Algebraic geometry of the classical Yang-Baxter equation
Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie
Igor Burban (Universität Paderborn)
3 events,
Purity for the flat cohomology
Purity for the flat cohomology
Talk 2: Katharina Hübner (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt): Tilting and the arc topology
Arithmetic of critical p-adic L-functions
Arithmetic of critical p-adic L-functions
Talk 5: Marvin Schneider: Triangulations and abstract construction of p-adic L-functions
Anabelian geometry
Anabelian geometry
Talk 2: Benjamin Steklov (Goethe Universität): Tannakian formalism
Talk 3: Amine Koubaa (Goethe Universität): π1alg(X,x) and its properties
2 events,
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Talk 5: Paul Siemon (TU Darmstadt): Geometric Satake
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2 events,
The rhizomic topology and tropical abelian varieties
The rhizomic topology and tropical abelian varieties
Oberseminar Algebra und Geometrie
Leo Herr (Universität Leiden)
0 events,
0 events,
3 events,
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Shtukas for reductive groups and global Langlands correspondence after Vincent Lafforgue
Talk 6: Oğuz Gezmiş (Universität Heidelberg): Cohomology of moduli of shtukas
Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry
Seminar on Arithmetic Geometry
Rizacan Ciloglu (TU Darmstadt): Perverse sheaves on twisted affine flag varieties