Factorization central extensions of the loop group
Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, Darmstadt, GermanyYifei Zhao (University of Münster)
Around the Gauss circle problem
ZoomSteve Lester (King's College London)
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyTalk 5: Marvin Schneider (Universität Heidelberg ): φ- and (φ, Γ)-modules with A-coefficients
Combing a hedgehog over a field
Mainz, Hilbertraum 05-432Alexey Ananyevskiy (LMU München)
Rigid Analytic Motives
Darmstadt, Room 244 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, DarmstadtTalk 6: Christopher Lang (TU Darmstadt): Rigid analytic motives I: definition, analytification, and 6 functors
Rigid meromorphic cocycles
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 und Zoom , GermanyThe Schneider–Teitelbaum lift and the Dedekind–Rademacher cocycle (Judith Ludwig)
The quadratic Euler characteristic of a smooth projective same-degree complete intersection
Darmstadt, Room 401 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, Darmstadt, GermanyAnneloes Viergever (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Restricted Arithmetic Quantum Unique Ergodicity
ZoomPeter Humphries (University of Virginia)
Anabelian geometry
Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str. 6-8, Raum 310 , DeutschlandTalk 5: Marius Leonhardt (Universität Heidelberg): Applications of the fundamental gerbe
Talk 6: Jakob Stix, Marcin Lara (Goethe Universität Frankfurt): Printability: intro and tools
Talk 7: Jakob Stix, Marcin Lara (Goethe Universität Frankfurt): Printability: proofs of the main results
Heidelberg, Mathematikon, SR 8 INF 205, Heidelberg, GermanyTalk 6: Marlon Kocher (Universität Heidelberg): Moduli stacks of étale φ-modules
Rigid Analytic Motives
Darmstadt, Room 244 and Zoom Schlossgartenstraße 7, DarmstadtTalk 7: Lucas Gerth (Goethe University Frankfurt): Rigid analytic motives II: comparing categories of motives